Office of sponsored programs
The Maritime College Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is the campus office of the Research Foundation of SUNY serving as the legal applicant and fiscal administrator for all grants and contracts awarded to SUNY institutions, faculty, and staff. OSP provides support in grant development, technical assistance, and grant and contract administration to staff and faculty of the SUNY Maritime College community. Before submitting any application for funding, the applicant must contact OSP and keep OSP informed of any acknowledgment or approval. Also, please inform OSP of the outcome of an application for which you did not receive funding. Final Proposals are due to the Office of Sponsored Programs at least five (5) full business days in advance of the sponsor’s deadline. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
Julie Ramnarais (347-842-1696)
Nataliya Yeremina (718-319-1149)
Roxanne Thompson (718-409-3162)
Office of Sponsored Programs Presentation
View the presentation here.