Apply for Readmission

Students who were previously enrolled at SUNY Maritime College as matriculated, degree-seeking students and have been separated from the college for at least two semesters (except those on official leaves of absence) must submit an application for readmission. The readmission committee meets several times throughout the semester to review applications.

LIcense students

Any student readmitted to the College after three or more years of separation who seeks entry or reentry into a license degree program at time of readmission or thereafter will be subject to a “License Refresh” whereby all license/STCW courses previously taken by the student will be excluded from the student’s GPA and must be repeated. Note that METE 201 and ENGR 503, courses which are also explicitly required in certain intern degrees, will not be excluded.

See the Readmission Policy for License Degree Programs for additional requirements.

Who should apply for readmission?

You should apply for readmission if you:

  • Were academically disenrolled

  • Were dismissed from the regiment of cadets

  • Were disenrolled for conduct reasons

  • Withdrew or took an unofficial leave of absence

  • Took an official leave of absence, but were away for more than two semesters (more than one year)

Academic Disenrollment

Students who were academically disenrolled from the college must meet the following requirements before they apply for readmission:

  • Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 12 transferable college-level credits (grades of C or better) relevant to your degree at a regionally accredited institution

  • Maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or better

If you were academically disenrolled, you may seek readmission only after two semesters from the disenrollment date (summer counts as one semester)

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence (LOA) is permission to be away from the college temporarily for medical, financial, military or personal reasons, including study at another education institution. Students must file a leave of absence form with the Office of the Registrar. Students may be on leave for up to two consecutive semesters.

Students who return in the semester indicated after an LOA must notify the registrar of their return by completing the Return from Leave of Absence Form before the start of the semester. They will need to meet with their advisor to obtain their alternate PIN to register for classes.

Students who do not return from a leave of absence in the semester they indicated will be administratively disenrolled from the college. They will need to apply for readmission through Office of Admissions to return to Maritime College.

Students who withdrew or were administratively disenrolled for failure to return will be evaluated for readmission based on:

  • Performance while at Maritime

  • Work experience and/or performance at other colleges since attending Maritime

  • Duration of time away from Maritime

Regimental Dismissal

Students who were dismissed from the regiment of cadets must submit an application for readmission and met with the hearing board to be considered for readmission. Students should demonstrate satisfactory completion of the requirements set forth in the dismissal letter. The regimental conduct readmission board meets once a semester.

Your application for readmission will be reviewed at the time of your hearing interview.

Deadlines and Process


Application Deadline

Regimental Conduct Readmission
Board Deadline


July 15

April 1 *


November 15

November 1 *

* If you were dismissed from the regiment, you must apply for readmission before the regimental readmission deadline

Steps to Re-Enroll

  1. Clear holds on your account. They must be cleared before you submit a readmission application.

  2. Complete and submit the readmission application before the deadline. If you were dismissed from the regiment, you will need to apply for readmission before the regimental readmission deadline

  3. Schedule an interview with the Regimental Conduct Readmission Board. You must meet with the board, submit the additional required documentation as outlined by the regiment, and submit an application for readmission.

  4. Submit official transcript(s) of all coursework attempted while away from Maritime directly to the Office of Admissions. If you were academically disenrolled, you must take courses at another regionally accredited institution before you can be considered for readmission.

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International Admissions