March 23, 2018
Dear Maritime College Community,
I am pleased and proud to tell all of you that the 2018 federal budget just signed by President Trump includes $300 million to build a National Security Multi-Mission Vessel to replace the Empire State VI.
After many years of work, our dreams of having a new, purpose-built ship to educate and train the nation’s future mariners has come to pass.
The funding will be made immediately available and according to MARAD’s current timeline, we anticipate the Empire State VII – our nation’s first National Security Multi-Mission Vessel – to be delivered in time for the 2022 summer sea term.
As you all know, today’s news is the result of many, many years of work. It would not have been possible without the consistent staunch support of our elected officials, especially Rep. Joe Crowley, Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kristin Gillibrand, and the rest of the New York delegation, as well as the dedication of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and SUNY Chancellor Kristina Johnson.
Hundreds of Maritime faculty, staff, alumni and supporters advocated to replace Empire State VI though several letter-writing campaigns. I thank you for playing your part in getting us to this exceptional day in Maritime’s nearly 150-year history.
Admiral Alfultis